Friday, December 23, 2011

Keep eating, keep eating...

Mom is lacking B12, so dr needs to inject such vitamins manually.

Yesterday morning:

After getting needles from dr. We went for breakfast (notes: mom already had a little bun at home before leaving the house.)

Then we were rushing to hair stylist's home to get hair done. Can't believe she had mood to keep changing the knitting style while Iris (stylist) was telling what was in her mind.

After hair cut, you were saying to grap something to eat before grocery shopping. I couldn't believe, you ordered a small bowl of viet beef noodle but add spicy?

Wow. What an eating day, mom!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Your Diet

Dear Mom,

Thank you for taking care of Cookie while I was away.
Thank you for being so nice to Cookie as I know you never want to put too much feeling on him (You don't wanna cry if he is gone!)
Thank you for buying less BBQ pork as you used to.
Thank you for getting less take out food as they have so much MSG...
Thank you for trying your best to eat more veggies
Thank you for buying maltase as I know you can't stop your sugar craving, so I can eat yours sugar instead.

Mom, you take care.... Please NOT to eat sweet that much, Please NOT to eat salty food, Please NOT to sleep more but exercise a bit at a time...

Mom, we love you very much...

Monday, August 22, 2011



因為我的感覺﹐更令我想改變我的想法。媽媽在化療過後﹐她又像過往一樣的生活方式。我嘗試改變她﹐但我竟然變了壞人﹐一個不孝人﹔因為我不准她食甜﹐不准她食一些可能引致 Cancer 的東西。。。最終又是吵架完事。

媽﹐ 你唔愛我唔緊要﹐有時我只是想你明白個事實﹐不是想和你有不開心的事發生﹐但你要明白我有這個感覺是因為你對我的行為。。。


媽﹐我感恩Kenneth 是真心幫你﹐所以你不喜歡我常在你左右﹐Kenneth 可以代我。。。

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Look

Mommy 一身New Look!!! 幾 Colourful!!!

 New Yoga pants with cool white/red top shirt and her BBBB (Big Bright Blue Bag).... wow, 幾 型﹗﹗﹗
 Mommy 唔知我影緊佢﹐如果唔係我諗佢行得仲型﹗

如果 Mommy 知道我哋係幾愛佢﹐我相信佢會唔亂食野。

希望佢明白我哋唔係管佢﹐只不過想佢長命D有機會見下D 孫 (*我仲未有BB)。。。

*sigh* 食少D雜食當幫幫忘﹗﹗﹗﹗

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ka Ho and Mom

All the time... Ka Ho always like to take pictures with Mom and Mom's smile always go happier.

Not that she doesn't like to take pictures with other.... but .. .Ka Ho always make Mom smile the best. =) 

 Look at Mom's new look. Yeah... People may not like it as she has a very cool skin cut. For me... I really don't wanna say anything... bcoz I really think Mom is very brave and look so cool!! So cool...
Her skin cut with long earrings.... =) look so nice and cool!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Yeah Mom!

A lot of people asked me about MOM. Mom is doing ok. Her hair is growing really fast. Right now.. .she looks really "Ying"!!!! Very very cool!!! 

As usual, mom never listen to me. she still eats a lot of Not- healthy food. Ka Ho always go along with her... *sigh*...

Don't worry about Mom. She is still alive... and She is getting better...
Will have more her pictures up later on. Please be patience.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


This was taken the day Dad went back to HK.

Dad was trying his best to stay as long as he could with me. I thanked him for doing that. I knew he was super busy, but he still spared the time out for mom.

Mom was happy, but somehow the wound healed outside but not inside, so she had been swollen since my wedding. I was trying to keep her happy, but worries covered a lot of things.

Anyway, she would be fine as Dr. wong is going to see her next week. No matter he did wrong or Mom's condition not as stable as we thought... He would need to fix it. NO MATTER WHAT...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Post Chemo

This Blog is not going to stop bcoz of the completion of Chemo.

After Chemo, Mom was trying to recover as fast as she can, but I thought something should slow down. I took mom to pick up the "new Breast", but the breast actually rubbed her scar too much and water and blood stored underneath the scar.

It was getting worse during the cruise. However, after we came back and we went to see Dr. Wong. She needed to do the surgery (little one) to suck the liquid out. She did yesterday. It was painful of coz.

Anyway, Mom is resting at home now. Everything should be good.

Now... it is time to change her eating habbit now... For the people who read it... please help Ka Ho and me.... She listens other more than us... =)

May 25 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


感謝神﹐話甘快就完成療情﹐話長唔長﹐話短唔短。。 好快就完了。。 成個過程﹐我有學識好多!
有時我會諗﹐點解﹐為何﹐原因﹐REASON?? 其實唔需要問甘多﹐我信~ 今次我真係信~~ 當我懶惰既時候﹐返到屋企。。 祢會叫COOKIE 提醒我要保持清潔。。 做事要謹慎!! 要我知道做事不能馬夫﹐有時要人幫我襍手尾既時候﹐唔係事情令別人難受﹐而是過程會令我比人唔放心既感覺﹐一個做大事﹐將來會有更加大既挑戰要我面對!! 謝謝彌比我學會﹐比我經驗~

媽媽既病是我見過最舒服﹐最興鬆的。。有一天我問媽媽~ 比起其他病人﹐我所見的他門﹐嘔﹐病﹐痛﹐哭。。 但是為何媽媽您好似無事發生﹐生活和平常的您一樣呢? 她只答我一個答案~ “神同我一齊行”
我開頭唔明﹐因為我感覺唔到﹐我一直都是在基督教家庭長大﹐開頭覺得都係求安心﹐我只是覺得神治到咳﹐醫唔到病!! 但係我發然我錯了﹐真的誤會了。。
由細到大都會諗﹐點解神要我經歷甘多事﹐甘多難題﹐ 祂放棄嗎? 我同佢傾左甘多次計﹐佢都唔理我架喇﹐信黎做乜﹐一直都轉好耐牛角尖!! 但係神真的比我好多選擇﹐係睇下我點揀!! 好多次都有比答案﹐係我唔理﹐做自己鐘意既! 明知係唔岩既﹐都去揀條錯既行!!
佢真係好勁!! 只不過係半年時間﹐祂一次過答了我所有問題﹐係成世人甘耐問過既問題﹐一次過答晒!! 媽媽見醫生開始到而家我真的見到﹐感覺到﹐感受您﹐最真既係真係摸到!!! 我信!! 我真係信!! 一句 ‘回來不是意義﹐意義是您回來!!’ 我好驚﹐驚得黎又好信!! ’驚‘ 係因為佢答我答得好快!! ’信‘係因為我問祂都唔夠十分鐘﹐祂就出現了!! 我信!!
媽媽講得岩﹐佢一直都係同我一齊行﹐而我揀走開﹐離遠﹐離開~~ 由睇醫生開始﹐到我學識靈氣﹐媽媽改變自己飲食﹐爸爸關心媽媽既次數﹐家姐既改變﹐分享。。 姐夫對我地一家所做既﹐和

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Believe in faith

For those still follow this blog. Honestly, it is hard to tell you how mom is doing every minute.

I have been busy with Kenneth's new house as well as my wedding. Sorry... I didn't mean to leave you all behind.

Mom is doing so far so good. I am starting to do all "Post-Chemo" tasks.
Need to feed Mom more nutrition. (Notes: Nutrition doesn't mean make my mom FAT)She is actually doing ok. I mean OK as she eats, but little by little. That is a good way to input the nutrition, but not OVER EAT.

Mom is in neutral mood to me as I don't meet her that often. Hope things keep going in this way. I guess Mom should start getting used to my absense. Not that I don't want to talk to her, but actually I am very desperated to be with her, there are just too much things to do. .. can't be with her like I used to in the past 6 months.

People keeps saying I am a very good daugther. I don't really like how people says about me. I am not doing this to my mom bcoz of all these. I do this to my mom bcoz She is my mom. I believe it is what I need to do as Bible put "respect parents" in 10 Commenments...

This is what i need to do, I will make sure my next generation understand "respect" not only to peer group, but actually especially to parents.

Not easy to do specially to the moody parents. It is a learning processes. Yes, Learning processes.

No one born to be parents, to be daugther. We all learn from life experiences, from processes.

Thank you, God.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Uncles and Aunties are home... Good

It is really a relief for mom. The week of my mom's last Chemo treatment that they went missing in Japan. It was very hard for mom NOT to worry during that week.

Anyway, she is ok now... bcoz they are all safe in HK .... =) (FInally went back HK on time...)

Mom is in a healing process.... Hope she is doing great... STill lost most of her tasting... but... I know she will get better.

She is aiming my wedding now... Good!!!!

Don't worry...everyone.. .she will be meeting people soon. Give her sometimes to recover...

Dear God,
Thank you for helping her all these times.... Not easy for me, but you made it easy for her. That is all counted. Please let me know what I need to do for her life. Without you, I won't be able to have the "Vacation" with my Mom with her difficult time. Without you, I know I am nothing... but God... thank you for giving me the valuable time with the one I love. Thank you for letting me realize how much I love my mom. THank you very much. I am praying in the name of Jesus Christ.  ~Amen

Friday, March 11, 2011




現在已經十時左右﹐但仍然不肯去Blood test﹐我真的不知道安慰她。我也很擔心。他們是我比較關係近一點的舅父和舅母。


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Junk Food, Healthy Food, frustration?

Next Monday will be my Mom's 6th Treatment (the last one).
Good that it is going to be OVER!!!

Mom already prepared for that... This coming friday is her Blood test.

Dear God,

I am recently very busy to help Kenneth's new house, my own wedding, my job searching... and really much putting Mom on the side. I am very sorry. I didn't mean to do it. Thank you for taking care of mom while I was not around her. Thank you for taking care of mom and me while I was very frustrated time after time. Thank you for taking care of mom, me, and Ka ho while we did argued on what Mom should eat and what mom shouldn't eat. Please let mom understand we want her to be healthy, by not eating junk food at all. Please let me know how should tell her? My Lord, I have so many things to work on.... please let me know how to handle my stress and my financial issue by your plans. My Lord... please help. I am praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

Monday, March 7, 2011


ONE more week... just one more... week...

Mom will have her LAST (yeah... LAST) Treatment... on Mar 14


Friday, February 25, 2011


呢幾日Mommy 真係好Tire....


我明白有時都幾悶﹐成日要留向屋企....只希望快D 完晒成個Treatment processes, 可以出下街。

我要多謝碧姨星期三知道我有Show 要做﹐All the way 又Mississauga 過來Markham 陪 Mommy. Seriously, 多謝。。。。 !!!!

好喇﹐我要走啦。 Mom 好興奮去裝身﹐我哋去街啦﹗﹗﹗ bye bye...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5th Chemo (Feb 22)

5th Chemo:

Mom got into the CHEMO CLINIC around 9:15am. Yes. Today we were late. Mom didn't really want to be ONTIME heheehe!!! hehee! well.. I know... it is crazy.

Last night, when I asked Mom what time we should be there, the following was the conversation:

Percy: Mom, what time you wanna be there?
Mom: Well, I don't know. I should be there by 9:00am, what about 8:45am?
Percy: Mom, I will not drive that FAST for you as there will be lots of Police in the morning.
Mom: Ok... what about we leave home around 9:00am?
Percy: Mom, do you understand what I am talking about?

Anyway, Thank God for giving me a very smooth and safe trip to the hospital. There were just so many people ignored other on the traffic. I understand. They are not in the mood of driving when someone they know in the hospital.

Mom's veins were difficult to find. So Nurses was trying so many times.... Poor Mom... being poked more than twice. I felt so bad about that. However, Nurses still couldn't find it and end up They need ot put the HOT PAD on.

I unerstand how mom felt.

Anyway, after an hour, finally found the Veins and still working on the IV. Nurses were busy today as Monday and Tuesday patients combined.

Didn't want to talk too LONG... make it simple. We arrived at 9:15am and finished around 2:00pm.

Dear God,

Thank you for giving me another chance to go thru this experience with Mom. Please forgive me not having 100% patience with Mom. I was trying, but she was worrying something that she shouldn't. I was not handling things like that too well. Sorry about that. Thank you for your blessing. Seriously, Mom was worried, but you end up really take care of her one by one. I thank you. I am saying the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Discontinue the Drug

Went to see Dr. Tepperman yesterday. Good that we had a talk with him. He checked and confirmed MOM really had allergic reaction to the Drug. He decided mom should not use that drug anymore.
As mom's perspective, she was afraid will delay the processes and effects how she attends my wedding.
As my perspective, as long as she is ok. She is ok... Doesn't matter about my wedding.

However, Dr. suggested to go back to the drugs Mom took in the past 3 times. He said the result would not have a BIG different.

I was agreed. She is going back to the same drug. That was good in a way, I know Mom won't really have much side effects but only tire...

Mom should be ok. She went to do blood test today and I am sure everything should go smoothly.

Don't worry. She will be fine!

When you have time, you can give her a call. Just a short talk won't harm her that much.

PS: Please don't mention about my prayer couple days ago. She doesn't need to know about my worries. I am ok. Thank you for your prayers and kindness.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Draining out...

Dear God,

Forgive me not to talk to you earlier. Forgive me going through all those challenges without you. I am not counting you out. I need you, and you know it. I have been very depressed these days.

There are a lot of things happening recently. I am trying to please MOM as much as I can. I am supporting Ka Ho in all directions. I am giving my energy and time to help Kenneth's house closing. I am managing my wedding budget as well as my own family finance.

My heavenly father, I don't want to stress my Dad out as I should manage family finance better, but it seems like I am failing to do it. I am very sorry. Please help me. I do understand there is a lot of things I can't control. I am just trying to ensure my parents have worry-free in Canada side. Our new house is closing, at the same time, I need to clean up our current house, as well as making sure Mom is doing well. I am draining out my energy. I am lost in the money again.

Whatever mom can eat, I will buy it for her. You know I don't like wasting food. But however, I can't take too much carbohydrate in my diet. End up, there are number of food I have to throw them away. I really don't want to do it. It is very much NOT ME! Plus, Ka Ho is not home for food at all time... How should I NOT wasting the food at the same time, I really don't know. God, please help me... I don't want my family move to a new house BROKE. I really don't want to. Please help me to manage the money wisely. This is what you gave us. This is how you let me through ....

Please protect mom. Mom goes easy... she would eat whatever she wants... Please God, help us... help us... help me.... I don't want to think about it ... anymore... please hug me and arm around me... I am using all my energy to make Mom feel better...

Please God, give me some of your mercy... please... I really need it. There are so many nights I cried out LOUD in my bed... not letting Mom knows... I don't have a job to support... family ... People always think Dr.'s family should have lots of money. My Lord, they are so wrong, especially when the Dr always give out free of charge and free drugs to ..... God... please take away my anger... please do so...

In the name of Jesus Christ, ~Amen.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meeting the Dr.

Mom is still allergic to the Chemo drug. I called so many times to the Clinic and Dr's office. End up ... talking about waiting for hours and hours...

Mom finally got the appt to see Dr. on Thursday morning. Hopefully will be fine and not to delay the whole processes.

Whoever looking for us, please don't call... Mom doesn't really wanna talk.
I don't wanna talk bcoz I have been busy with Mom' Closely monitor her....

Time to stop. Very tired.

Monday, February 14, 2011

called Nurses and Dr.

Mom was getting nervous about her side effects. End up she had an adnormal bleeding last night. Getting too nervous, so I called the Chemo Clinic and Dr. this morning...

Wait and wait... and waiting..... waiting... finally the nurse called and said all side effects are normal. However, She suggests to have some "over the counter" allergy drug for now and report to the Dr. to the up coming Chemo.

Mom felt much better after the nurse called. however, she went to HSBC and had a good late lunch with me. She had the beef tendon with Noodle and a good cup of soy milk. You know what... I was so happy that she ate something she liked. Some people asked her NOT to have soy milk. But ... to be honest... Whatever she wants to drink, she just drink it... don't worry about it. ...

She had a good time for the short trip. Good Good Good...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Allergic to Chemo

Finally, I found out why Mom had all those sickness. She is allergic to Docetaxel.

Side effects:
  1. Allergic reactions often occur. Signs of an allergic reaction are flushing, rash, itching, dizziness, swelling or breathing problems.
  2. Fluid retention may occur. Signs of extra fluid build-up area swelling of feet, hands or belly; breathing problems; cough or rapid weight gain.
  3. Nausea and vomiting may occur after your treatment. Most people have little or no nausea.
  4. Diarrhea may occur
  5. Fever may occur after treatment with docetaxel. Fever should last no longer than 24 hours.
  6. Sore mouth may occur a few days after treatment. Mouth sores can occur on the tongue, the sides of the mouth or in the throat.
  7. Rash may occur, mainly on the feet and hands, but also on arms, face or chest. The rash will generally clear by the time of the next treatment.
  8. Nail changes such as change in colour may occur. Rarely, nails will loosen or fall off, or the nailbeds will be painful.
Mom almost have them all except water retention and fever. However, family Dr. can't do much but giving her some reactin. I can't do much, but giving her something to drink and let her feel better.. but I will need to communicate with the Dr. on Monday.

So... DON'T WORRY EVERYONE! Things will go away and Mom will get better. I am sure... She already passed 4 times... why not another 2? Don't give her pressure or pity. She doesn't need it, bcoz she has God's love as usual. She may be physically in pain, but she is still in good spirit.

PLUS, don't worry about Ka Ho and I. We are OK. We have our lives (BUSY lives) and we are trying our best to work on the schedule in order to make sure someone stay home to take care of mom.

Anyway, this is enough for today. I am tired...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What a brand new day

What a brand new day.... Very shinny out. I really want to take mom go for a walk... but talk about -10 degree and her condition. Better not. I don't want her to get worse.

I keep telling myself tomorrow is brand new day. Should have nothing I can't handle without God's help. I don't want to admit... but I do feel so guilty that I can't help mom a bit better. I can't share her pain and her uncomfort.

 I can't only tell myself. LOOK! IT IS SO NICE OUT! ANOTHER BRAND NEW DAY!!!

Dear God,

I am in my weak situation now. I feel that the world is so UNFAIR. I feel that there are so many people (no matter relatives or friends) are taking advantages of my Dad. I feel so uncomfortable about it. But Thank you for letting me talk to Kenneth and asking him to remind me we shouldn't care too much on the earth, bcoz there will be judgement day for Everyone. Dear my Lord, there are a lot of mixed feeling inside me now. I want to protect my parent, but there is no much I can do. I feel so useless. God, please tell me not to be so siu hay. Please let me feel comfort under your protection. I am not too sure how I should do but I just want to protect my Dad, my mom, my brothers, and Kenneth. There are a lot of people taking advantages of them. I can't do much. God, please love me to love those people. Please let me know how much you love them as well. I am so lost. I am so lost. My heavenly father, I really want to reduce Mom's pain by sharing that with her. I can't do anything... once again, I feel Human are so powerless. Please take those pain/ uncomfortness from her. You provide us the bright shinny sunshine and let them go into the house. I already felt how much you love us. Please let me do my job. Please let me love the people I should love. Please let me help the people/animals I can. God, I love you.

in the name of Jesus, ~Amen.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pain in the bone

(There is a time I can actually sit down with Mom and have the wonderful tea to relax, nothing I can worry bcoz there is nothing I can control)...

Mom is still the same... I believe this is bcoz of the 4th CHEMO DRUG, but not the flu or fever.

Her face starts to have some red spots, and she feels dry and itchy. Same as her eyes. I bought her the eye drops and make sure she drinks water...

She doesn't really eat much, but she knows she has to EAT! She doesn't want to delay the processes. She believer God has been walking thru all the past 3 chemos, HE won't leave her like that.

Right now, I don't really STOP her what she wants to eat, bcoz as long as she can put it into her stomach, that counts. I bought her the meal replacement milk. In case she doesn't want any solid food, she still has that.

In the meanwhile, I should make sure she is doing ok. I am trying to stay home as much as I can. Trying to make sure stop all the calls from Relatives and friends to bug mom taking rest. I have to make sure she eats/ drinks/ and everythings has to be cleaned. I am sure God is giving us the power to overcome the challenges we are facing. I am sure he is watching over us. I am sure he is taking care of us. I am sure...


Monday, February 7, 2011

Feb 7 2011

Mom is still the same, headache and not feeling well.

I believe of the new drugs, as well as the flu. On top of that, she still cares why that relative called and mad at her by not calling the elder for saying "happy chinese new year".

It is so non-sense that expecting a patient (a sick one) to call and pretend happy and say Happy Chinese New Year... it is so non-sense and so insincere. I already comforted my mom and tried not letting her thinking too much.

Anyway, Today, Mom is still "as usual" ... sleep, take pills, drink water, sleep... washroom break, ... , sleep....

She is really tired these days.

Hope she would be fine soon.

For those who is very worrying about my mom. Please let her rest. She will be fine.

If continuely like that, I will call Chemo CLinic tomorrow and see if I need to take her to hospital or not.

Don't worry, everything is taking care of. =)

Just don't bother me by calling me. If you have anything, just email me or leave your comment on here. I am trying to concentrate to take care of mom, prepare my wedding stuffs, work on my project and loving the people and the animals around me. =)


Friday, February 4, 2011

Who do you think you are???

 All pictures were taken in Mom's 4th Chemo.

She was ok.

I guess people just like that... they even know Mom is sick ... still call here. Understand they are really worrying about Mom. But I do have a doubt, why didn't they call mom when Mom was healthy.

Today was 年初二﹐ Mom had been sick since 年初一... so she didn't call any elder for Greeting Happy Chinese New year. You know what? It is all about respects!!! There was a relative who called mom today. Once I picked up the phone, the first thing that person said was "WHY DIDN'T YOUR MOM CALL MY MOM FOR HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR?"

Why the heck did a sick patient need to make a phone call just to say HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR when she had a really sore throat??????????

Sorry my friends, I have to let it steam off! I was so mad! I am serious, I was really MAD!!! Of coz, I respected that person by keeping my anger inside. I was still talking on the phone just briefly... However, the more I told that person Mom was sick and needed rest, and the longer that person talking on the phone. Guess what? I was really fed up! I held my temper and told that person I needed to hang up and cut off the phone.

You may think I was rude to older... in some point of views, YES! I was! praised to LORD HE WAS WITH ME, or I would just yelled at that person and hung up.

Anyway, I gotta go I am very very tired today! I need to rest now!!!!

Warning: No phone call please

Please Do not call my Mom. She is very weak and sick these couple days. I will try my best update her status on here.

Please let her sleep. Please let your parents (if they used to call my mom as often as they can) not to call her (as they don't know about this blog).

I just want my mom take some rests. Thank you very much.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not feeling well

Mom is not feeling well... This is the first time. First time I heard she complained. I am worried about her.

I blamed myself why I had to leave home that LONG today. I left at 9:30am and didn't come home until 7:00pm.

Mom said ... she started feeling "fever" not too long after I left... then... she felt all BONE PAIN, even the join. I know the CHEMO is working on her.

She didn't eat much. Just Carbohydrate again... I was not happy. So I was trying to get her good nutrition instead of giving me excuses ....

I bought her some "ensure" type supplement. Hope she feels better.

Working all day today and worrying about mom... I am so tired...

Ka Ho is working on his school assignments and school projects till now... we are so late... late ... late... Hope didn't wake her up ...

Taking her so hard to sleep. Hope she really can have a good sleep.

Please pray for her.

Dear God,

There is nothing much I have to complain. You actually treat us very well. Finally, you are letting mom feel how uncomfortable being a Cancer patient. It is not easy for her, but at least I know the drug is actually working on her. Not too sure how it will go next time and the last treatment, but I am sure you are still walking CLOSELY and DEARLY with us. This is our blessings. Please take away Mom's pain as I don't want Mom to be a drug user. Please take care of her. Praying in the name of Jesus Christ. ~Amen

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

4th Chemo

Sorry to all of you ...

I am super busy with my Stuffs... I can't believe how busy I am today. working on my freelance project, running around for my own health, doing something for my wedding, searching different type of Options for my mortgages... so many things...

Monday (Jan 31)
Mom and I arrived to Hospital around 8:40am, Mom kept telling me that we didn't need to be there before 8:30am, but we had to wait for Dr. Tepperman to come one by one. Anyway, yesterday Dr. arrived Early. hahaaha! So... we were waiting and waiting... and waiting... until he came back, bcoz he passed us before we settled down.

Dr. came over and told mom and me that he was concerning about Mom's CBC level. last chemo, Mom had level 3.2, and this time she only had 0.95. Since the blood work was done last Friday, he wanted to do another immediate blood work before he confirmed to send us home.

Mom was worried. She was sitting there and thinking what exactly went wrong that it might be delay the Chemo. I told mom it was ok to delay a week, but Mom said she didn't want to look BAD for my wedding. Once again, that rethink if I should change my wedding date, Of coz Mom rejected it right the way.

Nurse Helen was gentlely doing the blood work for mom and leaving the STOP at the hole so Mom can do the IV. She said she believed Mom could do the Chemo. Time passed not too fast... Mom kept blaming herself... but then we figured it out what went wrong. Mom consumed a lot of Carbonhydrate (Noodles) in the past 2 weeks, she didn't eat much MEAT and VEGGIES. If body only has limited Nutrition ... that means... Metabolism will go slower... and and depends... how it divides the limited Nutrition.
(Sorry, didn't study well when i was little... this is my limited knowledge. It seemed make sense to me)

After an LONG Hour waiting... Finally ... Helen the nurse said Mom was OK to do.I asked for the #, wow! scared the heck of me... mom was 0.95 to 8.5!!! way over than 3.2 (3th Chemo) haahah!

New Drug, wow! Mom Became Drug user... She started to take 2 pills on Sunday (Avoid dizziness and vomiting), 2 pills on the Chemo day, and 2 pills on the following day. Beside this 6 pills, Mom needs to take 2 strong one from the last 3 Chemo. Then on top of all these... She needed to take 5 other pills before the Chemo drug injected into her IV... wow!! Mom is a pharmacy!

This new drug actually would burn her skin, so nurse put the gloves on her to avoid swolling from Mom's hands. bcoz of the first time, Nurse was taking extra care of Mom, kept asking how Mom's feel. Mom said she didn't like the gloves, they were too cold. So Nurse took them off from her. Wow!!! Mom's fingers became Frozen! just like the meat we put in the freezer, there was a layer of white icy snow on it. I was trying to keep mom's hands warmer, but end up Mom said my hands were colder than her! hahaah! That was true. My fingers were so cold!

The 1 hour Chemo end up 3 hours. Mom didn't need oxygen even nurse was preparing that for her. She was wondering how it would be. After we finished, I recognized how Mom's skin started drying right the way... I told her to put more lotion and remembered to bring Face cream on the road next time.

Every time, Mom wanted to eat Viet beef noodle, I was getting serious and tougher on MOM. I picked the place to eat. Haahaa! Guess where we went? Believe it or not, we went to Monte Carlos. This Hotel restaurant is one of the most famous place for ZAC brothers and sisters after Church Worship on Sunday. Not many people fighting the seats, but at the same time, I liked the food there. There were so many choices. Plus, the price was reasonable and affordable for a jobless person like me.

Mom went home after that and took some rests until Kenneth brought a fresh FISH and some Miced Beef for her as her dinner. heheeh! Of coz her favorite, Streamed FISH!

(Once again, I didn't have time to get the card reader, so the pictures can only sit in my camera. I will upload them later on this week)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Look Good Feel Better Jan26 2011 @ Chemo Clinic

Mom was really cranky for the whole day. I didn't really talk to her bcoz of her attitudes. I don't wanna get into trouble. I really didn't want to be yelled at.

Anyway, Kenneth came to pick us up and drove us to the Hospital. Mom had a special session. I really didn't expect much, but just wanted to go there and learned the make up session.

At first hour, the volunteers were teaching all cancer patients on how to put Natural make up on. Patients' skins are very sensitive, so they were trying to explain to the patients how to use the natural based make up materials to make them look good.

After the first session, the hair lady came to mom and asked if she could be the model. Mom claimed herself doesn't know ENGLISH, but she said YES faster than I explained to her.... humm....

Anyway, the whole hair session last an hour, she enjoyed it very much.  why? hahahaa! Let's look at some pictures (Sorry, I forgot to bring my camera. I didn't expect that the session turned out in this way....)

 At first, Hair lady should the patients how to choose the right wig, then how to put it on. Mom didn't know which one she should picked, so this chestnut colour hair wig was picked by me. (kekekekekeke! >=D)

After she put the wig on Mom, actually did some volume. I thought she was going to hurt mom, but Mom said she was really rough on the wig, but not her. That was good! 

Then she was saying how to put the wig on the right position, see Mom was so photogentic... never eyes off my camera... haha!

 After Full wig, she was explaining there were some people liked to wear hat instead of wig. But without the hair, hat looked dull, so partial hair wig should be applied on this situation. Mom didn't like that partial hair. She said it looked like "河童"...  OH well... I have no comment, bcoz that wig with the hat, it actually looked good.

After some Q/A, she was teaching the patients on how to put on the wrap. Mom didn't like it at all, Not the Wrap part, Mom said she wrapped it too tight, which made her BIG head not comfortable.... humm.....

Then before it finished, Mom was using her English to ask the hair lady if she could tried on the BLONDE hair, the hair lady looked at her gasped... and asked her, "are you sure?" , then Mom said, "yeah, I want to..."

Then she helped Mom to put it on ... a lot of people said she looked so good.... All of a sudden, Mom shouted out, "I look like Lady GaGa..." I was like.... humm... .

"Anyone can give this lady Gaga a ride home?"

hahahahaaha! She always makes everyone SMILE! Mom, you are the best! 

Honestly, She did looked Good on this wig. Even it is not a very clear picture, you could still how Mom enjoyed being Model with this wig....

This is the highlight of tonight!

Mom and I were trying to comfort other pair of mother and daughter. I knew Mom felt good about it....

Afterall, Mom was so happy and went home with a BIG SMILE, non stop talking about how she became Model and checking her gift from the session. A $300 make up/ skin care basket.

Mom didn't say anything related to God, but the way she showed the patience and care to others, I believed it was actually showed what God taught us, right?

Yhaaahaah! Mom you are still the best!

(Thank you Elsie by letting us know about this "Look Good feel better")

Preparing 4th Chemo

Mom stays home most of her time... well... actually .... very much her old time... That I didn't really like... Always lock herself in her room, watching TV... ISOLATED herself from the world.

I always think this action is not healthy since she started addict into Korean TVs. I didn't like it, I don't like it, and I will not like it.

Now she has her excuses.... Very boring life... got up, turn on TV, have breakfast, watching TV... till tired... go to bed... hungry... eat, watch TV...

Whenever I bring this concern.... I will get yelled at. So, whoever read this, please don't mention it to her as she will go NUT of it. I would say... she reaches the point is OUT OF CONTROL.

I pray to Lord that after this process... She will realize that more exercises and social more are very important.

You may not know... my mom is not a very social person. Dad and she don't have MANY friends, so we (king, ka ho and I) don't have many Uncles/ Aunties since little. Just by their siblings .... are enough to keep us busy.

God bless King, Ka Ho and me, we are quite out-going. We learn how to deal with people on ourselves. HE lead us to open ourselves to the world. When I look at our parents, they don't have many friends, so most of their time will be at home. or just home social gathering.

Anyway, Good to let me "blah" about it. I was not happy this morning when Mom made a small incident BIG! Of coz, I didn't get mad at her, but I couldn't stand the way she thinks things now.... Geerrrrrrr!!!

Since most of you didn't see my mom for long time... here you go...

 Even mom doesn't like to social... She always has all kinds of creative ideas. This is what she bought for Ka Ho to snowboard....
Humm... this is how my Mom treats me... always bought me all kinds of RABBIT figure... this hat is for me to snowboard... or regular use...  humm...... I am already 30s something... I think it will be a bit not appropreiate... haahha!! Let see....

(taking these pictures when Mom saw the snow falling down... wanna prove to grandma that how Snow looks like...) Too bad.. .I am not a good photographer. =) Can't really see the snow...

Thursday, January 20, 2011


this is another brand new day. Good that Mom is still doing great!

Thank you for reading this blog as much as you can. This is my motivation to get all  the stories from mom daily.

Seriously, beside losing her hair, and darken some of her skin. She is even healthier than me. I think I may need to change the blog name to be 佢係佢阿女個媽﹐一個抗緊癌同埋病歪既阿媽...


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thank you... THank you... Thank you... (*sigh* how many times should I everyday?)

Dear God,

I praised to you for giving us enough $$ and energy to places that we wanted to go.
Mom was happy yesterday. You gave her enough energy to for lunch and shopping at Michael's. Thank you. I was doing the roles of "DRIVER" and "ATM machine". Good that you gave me the opportunities to be with Mom. She was Happy. As long as she was happy. I was Happy!!! Thank you for giving me the SMILE everyday. Heavenly father, I love you... I am so proud to know you for my LIFE. You gave me a lot of blessing to my family and me. THank you.


Mom called me while I was on the road yesterday, she said she wanted to go out. I was looking at the weather and it was FREEZING. I asked Mom, "Are you sure? It is freakkkking cold out...."

Mom was giving me a big "CHEH" and said "Cheh! I will put more clothings....!! Go lar... Go lar...!!"

Anyway, I would like to say THANKS to Aunties who keeps my Mom in their prayers. who keeps cooking great FOOD to her, who takes care of mom's spare time (by talking to her on the phone) haahaahaa! Mom needs the care... sometimes she doesn't really want to talk (I believe it is more personality things than real energy), please don't mind her. she is as weird as I am. =)

You love me,
You love my mom! THank you!

Oh oh oh... I should say... You love my mom, you should love me... no matter how mean I am and how bad temper I am... =)

(This is a months old photo, don't worry... right now... she wouldn't eat this .... and she wouldn't dress like that. I believe that was last summer... )

Friday, January 14, 2011

Great... Greattt.... GREATTTTT!!! (I mean Mom! not me! =))

by looking at Mom's smile. You know how brave she is....

She is actually a very very positive person (NOW). I know some of you are very concern about how she is doing right now.

She is doing just FINE! I mean very fine. If you want to talk to her on the phone (not too long one) you are very welcomed to call her.

Beside she needs to go to washroom often... she is just FINE! oh... get tired sometime.. nothing much...

I really can't think of what I can write on here. Plus I am busy with my stuffs.

Please keep comment on here and I am sure she wants to read it.

PS: She can't go out this week. Maybe once or twice next week... but for sure NOT THIS WEEK. she is very good this week... I am relief...

=) Thank you for all your supports!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3rd Chemo (11011)

Yesterday was Mom's 3rd Chemo, the last injection for the RED stuffs.

She prepared everything, physically, and emotionally. By looking at her, still positive look on her face. That's count! 

Wanna upload more pictures, but it seems like I can't. It keeps crushing on me. Anyway, she is going ok.

Thank you Avana for planning ahead of time to help me on Mom's Food. (I am down again. Sick!); of coz thank you for the apple soup too!
Thank you Cindy for preparing the bread and the soup for mom. I am sure she will like it.

Thank you everyone who stays away from calling my home. So far, I only heard mom received Grand Auntie 3, 8,9,11. (If you are in Wong's family, you will know that those # for)

Thank you Kenneth for cleaning the house for me again (and again.. and again.... seriously, I am very appreciated of it!)

Thank you Ka Ho for coming home a bit early and keep it down while he was doing his DJ things at night. Mom had a good sleep.

Thank you all brothers/sisters from church. I know a lot of people were praying for her. Those continue prayers really powerful.

Thank you my LORD for having all these Blessings... really can't express in words.

I will try to put more pictures on later on... 

(PS: for those were reading my joke. Please don't mind me mentioning about poo poo... it was true) 

Hope this will bring you a SMILE!

Before I write anything about Mom's 3rd Chemo, let me give you a smile first:


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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Flu Shot today

Mom has been worried about getting sick during Chemo process, so she tries NOT go to the crowd, NOT close to those who is sick.

When the FLU period with people don't go for flu shot... Mom is taking the risk even staying home. Ka Ho and I have been contacted those flu people, and may end up we bring the virus home. Now, I can see why Kenneth keeps the house as clean as he can. Try to kill those "Bring Home Virus" ... ... ...

Dr. Tepperman suggests Mom to take the FLU SHOT, we are heading to get it done today. I am sure Mom has a bit worried, but hey... afterall, it is part of the process as well.

I always Thank God. I praise to HIM bcoz HIS love is really with us at ALL TIME, never stop. I always hear how Chemo patients react this, react that... but to my MOM. She is just SUPER! She feels tired....SOMETIMES but you know what... she walks around in home other than "REST"... Those ENERGY ... really effects Ka Ho and me. We are hardly keeping up with her.

I do have some concerns as I am thinking to get a part time job at least... but Mom actually not that STABLE daily. It is hard to get a job that I stay with mom 24-7 for one week, then 1/2 in the following week, and FULL week the one after... once again, praise to Lord that I can have the chance to work on the CCAMMA AGM, it let me pick my own time to work on the stuffs.

Without the blessing, we can't have such a wonderful planning. Good Plan, Lord! Thank you. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

HD is too HIGH... can't read it...

Happy New Year!!!

Not that I am lazy and not coming up.
Not that I don't want to update my mom's status.

1. Kenneth bought me a new camera which is HD version, My computer doesn't read the HD files. However, I have no idea how to upload the latest pictures on.
2. Mom is doing so good in order to prepare up coming Chemo. Just nothing really I can mention in the last 3-4 days.

Most of the time, Mom will knit the new scarfs for us. As she was so happy that she bought some BIG SALE wool for us... (Thanks MICHAELS, $8.99 wool and on sale only $4.99, Mom was so happy ... and couldn't stop knitting)

Mom eats as much as she could, but she started eating SWEET again.... I am trying to stop her... end up ... we both got into FIGHT! *sigh* ... Just don't want her to die that soon ... so ... try to keep her alive .... longer.... Hope it is not wrong decision... But still she doesn't think the SWEET harm her that much... $#$W$(&%($#&(%$(&!!!

Anyway... it is not worth it... better not going too FAR .... I don't want to yell at and getting yelled at... Well... in a positive way... at least... she has the ENERGY to get mad! hahaahaah! Why not...?

Ok ... I think there are too many people around me getting sick... I am getting not feeling well... better drink more water... and more water... and rest...

Hope I will be able to get the pictures up soon.

SMILE, EVERYONE! God bless to you all!