Wednesday, March 30, 2011


感謝神﹐話甘快就完成療情﹐話長唔長﹐話短唔短。。 好快就完了。。 成個過程﹐我有學識好多!
有時我會諗﹐點解﹐為何﹐原因﹐REASON?? 其實唔需要問甘多﹐我信~ 今次我真係信~~ 當我懶惰既時候﹐返到屋企。。 祢會叫COOKIE 提醒我要保持清潔。。 做事要謹慎!! 要我知道做事不能馬夫﹐有時要人幫我襍手尾既時候﹐唔係事情令別人難受﹐而是過程會令我比人唔放心既感覺﹐一個做大事﹐將來會有更加大既挑戰要我面對!! 謝謝彌比我學會﹐比我經驗~

媽媽既病是我見過最舒服﹐最興鬆的。。有一天我問媽媽~ 比起其他病人﹐我所見的他門﹐嘔﹐病﹐痛﹐哭。。 但是為何媽媽您好似無事發生﹐生活和平常的您一樣呢? 她只答我一個答案~ “神同我一齊行”
我開頭唔明﹐因為我感覺唔到﹐我一直都是在基督教家庭長大﹐開頭覺得都係求安心﹐我只是覺得神治到咳﹐醫唔到病!! 但係我發然我錯了﹐真的誤會了。。
由細到大都會諗﹐點解神要我經歷甘多事﹐甘多難題﹐ 祂放棄嗎? 我同佢傾左甘多次計﹐佢都唔理我架喇﹐信黎做乜﹐一直都轉好耐牛角尖!! 但係神真的比我好多選擇﹐係睇下我點揀!! 好多次都有比答案﹐係我唔理﹐做自己鐘意既! 明知係唔岩既﹐都去揀條錯既行!!
佢真係好勁!! 只不過係半年時間﹐祂一次過答了我所有問題﹐係成世人甘耐問過既問題﹐一次過答晒!! 媽媽見醫生開始到而家我真的見到﹐感覺到﹐感受您﹐最真既係真係摸到!!! 我信!! 我真係信!! 一句 ‘回來不是意義﹐意義是您回來!!’ 我好驚﹐驚得黎又好信!! ’驚‘ 係因為佢答我答得好快!! ’信‘係因為我問祂都唔夠十分鐘﹐祂就出現了!! 我信!!
媽媽講得岩﹐佢一直都係同我一齊行﹐而我揀走開﹐離遠﹐離開~~ 由睇醫生開始﹐到我學識靈氣﹐媽媽改變自己飲食﹐爸爸關心媽媽既次數﹐家姐既改變﹐分享。。 姐夫對我地一家所做既﹐和

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Believe in faith

For those still follow this blog. Honestly, it is hard to tell you how mom is doing every minute.

I have been busy with Kenneth's new house as well as my wedding. Sorry... I didn't mean to leave you all behind.

Mom is doing so far so good. I am starting to do all "Post-Chemo" tasks.
Need to feed Mom more nutrition. (Notes: Nutrition doesn't mean make my mom FAT)She is actually doing ok. I mean OK as she eats, but little by little. That is a good way to input the nutrition, but not OVER EAT.

Mom is in neutral mood to me as I don't meet her that often. Hope things keep going in this way. I guess Mom should start getting used to my absense. Not that I don't want to talk to her, but actually I am very desperated to be with her, there are just too much things to do. .. can't be with her like I used to in the past 6 months.

People keeps saying I am a very good daugther. I don't really like how people says about me. I am not doing this to my mom bcoz of all these. I do this to my mom bcoz She is my mom. I believe it is what I need to do as Bible put "respect parents" in 10 Commenments...

This is what i need to do, I will make sure my next generation understand "respect" not only to peer group, but actually especially to parents.

Not easy to do specially to the moody parents. It is a learning processes. Yes, Learning processes.

No one born to be parents, to be daugther. We all learn from life experiences, from processes.

Thank you, God.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Uncles and Aunties are home... Good

It is really a relief for mom. The week of my mom's last Chemo treatment that they went missing in Japan. It was very hard for mom NOT to worry during that week.

Anyway, she is ok now... bcoz they are all safe in HK .... =) (FInally went back HK on time...)

Mom is in a healing process.... Hope she is doing great... STill lost most of her tasting... but... I know she will get better.

She is aiming my wedding now... Good!!!!

Don't worry...everyone.. .she will be meeting people soon. Give her sometimes to recover...

Dear God,
Thank you for helping her all these times.... Not easy for me, but you made it easy for her. That is all counted. Please let me know what I need to do for her life. Without you, I won't be able to have the "Vacation" with my Mom with her difficult time. Without you, I know I am nothing... but God... thank you for giving me the valuable time with the one I love. Thank you for letting me realize how much I love my mom. THank you very much. I am praying in the name of Jesus Christ.  ~Amen

Friday, March 11, 2011




現在已經十時左右﹐但仍然不肯去Blood test﹐我真的不知道安慰她。我也很擔心。他們是我比較關係近一點的舅父和舅母。


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Junk Food, Healthy Food, frustration?

Next Monday will be my Mom's 6th Treatment (the last one).
Good that it is going to be OVER!!!

Mom already prepared for that... This coming friday is her Blood test.

Dear God,

I am recently very busy to help Kenneth's new house, my own wedding, my job searching... and really much putting Mom on the side. I am very sorry. I didn't mean to do it. Thank you for taking care of mom while I was not around her. Thank you for taking care of mom and me while I was very frustrated time after time. Thank you for taking care of mom, me, and Ka ho while we did argued on what Mom should eat and what mom shouldn't eat. Please let mom understand we want her to be healthy, by not eating junk food at all. Please let me know how should tell her? My Lord, I have so many things to work on.... please let me know how to handle my stress and my financial issue by your plans. My Lord... please help. I am praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

Monday, March 7, 2011


ONE more week... just one more... week...

Mom will have her LAST (yeah... LAST) Treatment... on Mar 14
