Dear all,
I am trying to put some pictures on here, but my SD card reader failed to do so.
Anyway, Mom and my family wish you all to have a GRACEFUL New year!!!!
(Of coz, she is doing great! Don't worry, people are everywhere, I will make sure she listens and keep her in the house.)
I don't want Mom to be alone, so I invited (actually approved by her) some of my friends who hang around with her since then. I will make sure she is doing great....
Once again... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Yeah, I am back....
Thank you for everyone's kindness. I had a wonderful trip with Kenneth. At least we both were trying to relax as much as we could.
We are back in Town, but both of us are tanned. I am northern style tanned (became RED and pain), and Kenneth is southern style tanned (just tanned evenly).
We came back on Xmas night. Flight got delayed in Newark, but arrived on time in Toronto. It was good. Mom was waiting for us at home. Ka Ho came to pick us up and told us the WHOLE week stories. haahha! yeah, we didn't have internet at St. Maarten so didn't know what was going on.
Anyway, Mom is ok. as usual chemo procedures, gets tired very easily and repidly... It is normal, so I guess it is ok for her.
Dad is away to Singapore for almost a week, so during this time, King, Ka Ho, Kenneth (KKK) and I are trying to keep mom occupied as much as her time. Don't let her think negative things, and don't let her feel alone.
Kenneth is trying his best to stay with me (with Mom) at all time as he knows Mom needs company.
I will post more photos later on.
Anyway, just want ot let you all know.....
We are back in Town, but both of us are tanned. I am northern style tanned (became RED and pain), and Kenneth is southern style tanned (just tanned evenly).
We came back on Xmas night. Flight got delayed in Newark, but arrived on time in Toronto. It was good. Mom was waiting for us at home. Ka Ho came to pick us up and told us the WHOLE week stories. haahha! yeah, we didn't have internet at St. Maarten so didn't know what was going on.
Anyway, Mom is ok. as usual chemo procedures, gets tired very easily and repidly... It is normal, so I guess it is ok for her.
Dad is away to Singapore for almost a week, so during this time, King, Ka Ho, Kenneth (KKK) and I are trying to keep mom occupied as much as her time. Don't let her think negative things, and don't let her feel alone.
Kenneth is trying his best to stay with me (with Mom) at all time as he knows Mom needs company.
I will post more photos later on.
Anyway, just want ot let you all know.....
Sunday, December 26, 2010
家 姐 回 來 了 ~~
好 開 心 !! 聖 誕 節 就 甘 過 左 ﹐ 去 完 滑 雪 ﹐ 都 好 似 好 來 無 POST 新 野 !! 唔 好 意 思 ~~~
媽 媽 身 體 都 唔 錯﹐ 廳 日 我 就 會 去 羅 媽 媽 份 禮 物 ﹐ 我 都 覺 得 唔 差 呀 。 。 可 以 幫 到 好 多 人 ~~ 所 以 决 定 買 ﹐ 令 外 尼 幾 日 有 位 親 友 黎 左 探 媽 媽 !! 影 得 唔 係 太 好 !! 但 係 都 OK~~佢 就 係 穎 姨 姨 勒 !!!
買 左 好 多 野 黎 探 媽 媽 ﹐ 就 連 我 地 仔 女 都 有 份 !! 多 謝 !!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
~~羅 命 ~~~
琴 晚 羅 晒 我 條 命 ~~~狗 狗 唔 乖 ﹐ 媽 媽 又 曳 !! 成 晚 都 無 訓 過 ﹐ 又 琴 日 早 上七 點 開 始 一 路 到 今 朝 七 點 !! 無 停 過 ﹗ ﹗ 狗 狗 唔 停 既 送 禮 物 比 我 ﹐ 細狗大 便 ﹐ 大 狗 踩 ﹐ 大 狗 小 便 ﹐ 細 狗 踩 !! 唔 好 煩 喇 !! 將 兩 隻 狗 洗 淨 ﹐ 留 在 浴 室 。 。 一 樓 洗 地 ﹐ 洗 地 氈 !! 消 毒 !! 成 晚 係 甘 過 ~~~ 直 到 今 朝 八 點 半 !!
講 返 媽 媽 !! 因 為 星 期 三做 冬(做 節 ) ﹐媽媽 ﹐ 表 哥 ﹐ 我 ﹐ 女 友 (TINA) 出 去 食 晏 ~~又 去 食 ‘明 粥’ !!
食 完 飯 ﹐ 同 媽 媽 ﹐ 表 哥 去 買 做 節 個 D餸 ~~ 講 真 !!係 只 不 過 想 比 個 機 會 同 媽 媽 行 下 ﹐ 走 下 。 。 難 得 佢 老 人 家 想 出 去 行 ﹐ 周 圍望 下 野 ~~ 甘 我 地 咪 陪 佢 羅 ﹐ 估 唔 到TINA 同 表 哥 管 佢 重 嚴 過 我 ~~ 所 以 我 好 放 心 !!
去 到 一 間 中 醫 鋪 ﹐ 媽 媽 想 買比 病 人 食 既 健 康 雞﹐話 乜 鬼 野 無 機 ﹐ 同 天 然 ~~點 知 聖 誕 + 做 節 !! 關 門 到 年 尾 ~~ 無 得 買 ~~ 然 後 媽 媽 話 做 節 就 算 佢 唔 食得 點 樣 都要 買 少 少 今 晚比 我 同 表 哥 ~~然 後 就 到 達 燒 臘 鋪 買 雞 ﹐ 豆 腐 同 燒 肉 ~~~
返 到 屋 企 直 到 晚 飯 !! 好 !! 食 飯 !! 媽 媽 算 係 好乖 架 啦 ﹐ 樣 樣 餸 都 食 過﹐ 唔 係 好 多 ﹐ 全 部 都 係 少 少 ﹐ 半 舊 ﹐細 細 舊 ~~ 同 自 己 都 知 自 己 事 ~~ 無 食 油 利 野 ~~ 有 少 少 油 ﹐ 不 過 真 係 唔 多 ~~ 然 後 就 上 房 休 息 ~~
我 有 個 朋 友 叫 WENDY~~ 食 完 飯 就 黎 到 屋 企 。 。 我 地 兩 個 好 好 朋 友 ﹐ 因 為 媽 媽 都 係 病 人 ﹐想 幫 手 每 一 日 都 令 媽 媽 舒 服 少 少 ﹐ 可 以 抖 下 !! 所 以 對 ‘靈 氣’ 治 療 好 有 興 趣 !! 聽 完 表 哥 講 介 ﹐ 開 始 想 試 下 靈 氣感 覺 ~~ 試 完 之 後 同 自 己 講 !! 我 一 定 要 學 !!!
送 走 WENDY~~ 返 到 屋 企 ﹐ 大 獲 !! 開 始 我 同 狗 狗 大 戰 ~~ 羅 命 既 一 晚 !! 開 始 啦 !!!
(唔 明 白 請 望 下 開頭 第 一 段)
好 累 ~~ 八 點 鐘 開 始 訓 ~~ 訓 果 時 表 哥 幫 媽 媽 做 緊 靈 氣 治 療 ~~ 五 點 醒 ~~ 表 哥 都 係 做 緊 治 療 ~~ 今 次 真 係 要 響 BLOG多 謝表 哥 ﹐ 佢 教 識 左 我 好 多 野 !! 對 親 人 既 觀 點 與 角 度 ~~ 我 好 感 謝 佢 !! 佢 唔 單 只 係 對 我 媽 媽 同 我 關 心 ﹐ 愛 護 。 。 最 緊 要 係 我 屋 企 令 外 兩 位 老 人 狗 ﹐ 佢 都 好 好 甘 錫 佢 地 !! (大 小 便 都 。 。 。 hehehee) 表 哥 !! 我 諗 您 都 未 試 過 要 執 “野” 。 。 真 係 感 激 !!! 我 知 我 任 性 !! 我 知 我 D狗 狗 比 您 好 多 麻 煩 !! 我 真 係 多 謝 您 !! 我 自 己 都 未 試 過每 一 日 要 洗 地 ﹐ 吸 塵 ﹐洗 地 氈 ﹐洗 廁 所 ﹐ 執 房 ﹐ 再 洗 地 ﹐ 再 洗 廚 房 !! 好 累 !!!
講 返 媽 媽 !! 媽 媽 話 佢 個 胃 好 唔 舒 服 ~~ 話 佢 個 肚 好 唔 舒 服 ~~ 我 講 十 句 都 唔 理 ~~ 表 哥 用 佢 既 方 法 !! 一 句 就 搞 惦 左 !! 勁 !! 今 晚 媽 媽 同 我 地 都 係 食 粥 !! 我 地 知 到 媽 媽 唔 舒 服 !! 唔 想 佢 亂 食 野 ﹐ 比 佢 抖 下 ~~ 所 以 我 地 今 晚 ﹐ 媽 媽 食 得 幾 清 淡 ﹐ 我 地 陪 佢 食 !!
PS﹕ 家 姐 !! 買 手 信 !! 快 D返 呀 ~~~
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
表 哥 駕 到 ﹗ ﹗
今 日 好 特 別 ~~琴 晚 望 住 個 天 ﹐ 望 住 個 月 亮 到 兩 點 半 。 終 於 都 望 到 月 全 蝕 ﹐ 好 正 !! 最 開 心 係 隻 狗 狗 嘈 醒 媽 媽 ﹐ 然 後 媽 媽 都 有 望 到 月 全 蝕 ~~ 然 後 大 家 訓 覺 到 天 光 ~~
一 早 醒 左 ﹐ 響 自 己 間 房 再 休息 同 抖。 到 十 二 點 就 醒 晒 ﹐ 見 到 媽 媽 。 。 佢 話 表 哥 就 到 ﹐ 叫 我 快 D整 潔 自 己 ﹐ 準 備 食 晏 。 。 不 到 五 分 鐘 ﹐ 表 哥 出 現 !!!
媽 媽 食 粥 ﹐ 我 同 表 哥 食 粽 ﹐ 好 快 就 食 完 晏 !! 媽 媽 同 表 哥 開 始 佢 地 既 “靈 氣” 治 療 !!
大 家 以 為 媽 媽會 有 休 息 既 時 候 。 。 。 點 知 媽 媽 係 甘 同 表 哥 頃 計 ﹐ 乜 都 講 !! 就 連 醫 生 衫 串 左 窿 ﹐ 家 姐 見 血 暈 ﹐ 同 親 戚講 電 話 ﹐ 乜 都 講 ﹐ 乜 都 笑 餐 勁 !! 都 既 開 心 架 !!
當 我 去 完 捐 血 ﹐ 返 到 屋 企 。 。 佢 地 重 講 緊 。 。 。-_- 笑 到 面 都 紅 !! 0喜 0喜 !! 好 耐 未 見 過 媽 媽 笑 到 ‘卡’ ‘卡’ 聲 !! 多 謝 表 哥 !!!
好 ﹗ ﹗ 我 都 要 出 一 分 力 ~~ 所 以 我 開 始 左 我 一 直 想 做 既 希 望 工 程 ﹐ 就 係 同 媽 媽 間 房 消 毒 ﹐ 洗 地 毯 同 洗 廁 所 !! 好 !! 開 始 !!!!
洗 完 一 樓 地 板 ﹐ 吸 塵 ﹐
到 二 樓 !!! 希 望 工 程再 開 始 !!!!
到 了 夜 晚 ﹐ 媽 媽 食 粥 ﹐ 同 少 少 火 雞 肉 ﹐ 我 同 表 哥 食 KENNETH 為 我 地 預 備 既 飯 !!
忽 然 ﹐ 表 哥 叫 我 CHECK下 我 隻 狗 狗 ﹐ 岩 岩 去 完 廁 所 返 上 黎 ﹐好 似 怪 怪 地 甘 。 。 。 。 一 望 !! 大 獲 ! 成 後 半 身都 係 污 糟 野 !! 後 來 咪 洗 狗 ﹐ 洗 地 ﹐ 我 沖 涼 羅 ~~~~~
食 完飯 !! 大 家 休 息 ﹐ 媽 媽 上 房 開 始 訓 覺 ﹐ 我 同 表 哥 就 開 始 向 電 影 出 發 !!
十 二 點 半 !! 好 眼 訓 !! 大 家 訓 啦 !!!
Carreau 細 仔 ﹗ ﹗
Monday, December 20, 2010
~~化 療 ~~~
今 日 一 早 ﹐ 媽 媽 要 去 做 化 療 。 。 未 開 始 去 ﹐ 媽 媽 沖 好 涼 ﹐ 換 好 衫 ﹐ 準 備 出 發 !!
響 車 到 同 我 講 話 佢 尼 幾 日 都 有 肚 疴﹐ 肚 仔 唔 舒 服。 。 可 能 係 化 療 影 響 ~~ 一 路 講 一 路 都 有 笑 ~~
到 了 醫 院 ﹐ 登 記 完 就 等 化 療 了 ~~ 同 護 士 和 醫 生 有 講 有 笑 。 。 我 都 覺 得 媽 媽 既 英 文 唔 錯 ~~ 大 家 都 明 白 佢 想 表 達 既 意 思 ﹐ 同 時 間 媽 媽 亦 將 準 備 好 既 禮 物 送 比 醫 生 同 護 士 。 。 。 突 然 發 然 醫 生 件 衫 爛 到 嚇 死 人 甘 ﹐ 同 勢 利 哥 無 乜 分 別 ~~ 哈 哈 哈 ~~
做 完 化 療 ﹐ 又 去 食 牛 粉 粉 ﹐買 碟﹐ 面 包 ﹐ 小 點 。 。 之 後 就 返 屋 企 休 息 。 。 途 中 ~娜 娜 姨 打 電 話 黎 ﹐話 想 同 一 位 朋 友 過 黎 屋 企 探 媽 媽 ﹐ 想 知 媽 媽 最 近 生 活好 唔 好 ~~ 所 以 就 返 屋 企 拿 拿 臨 清 潔 。 。
娜 娜 姨 帶 左 一 位 好 朋 友 黎 到 ﹐ 完 來 她 以 前 亦 都 係 一 位 病 人 ﹐我 無 走 過 去 同 佢 地 傾 計 ﹐ 但 係聽 到 佢 地 講 既 都 係 鼓 勵 媽 媽 既 說 話 ﹐ 同 教 會 既 UPDATED~~ 都 要 多 謝 佢 地 對 媽 媽 既 心 !! 多 謝 ! 有 心 !!
然 後 媽 媽 無 胃 口 ﹐ 所 以 晚 餐 食 少 少 就 話 飽 ~~ 然 後 就 話 休 息 了 ~~~
今 日 都 係 甘 過 ﹐ 夜 晚 媽 媽 話 少 少 胃 氣 頂 住 ﹐ 唔 舒 服 ~~~

響 車 到 同 我 講 話 佢 尼 幾 日 都 有 肚 疴﹐ 肚 仔 唔 舒 服。 。 可 能 係 化 療 影 響 ~~ 一 路 講 一 路 都 有 笑 ~~
到 了 醫 院 ﹐ 登 記 完 就 等 化 療 了 ~~ 同 護 士 和 醫 生 有 講 有 笑 。 。 我 都 覺 得 媽 媽 既 英 文 唔 錯 ~~ 大 家 都 明 白 佢 想 表 達 既 意 思 ﹐ 同 時 間 媽 媽 亦 將 準 備 好 既 禮 物 送 比 醫 生 同 護 士 。 。 。 突 然 發 然 醫 生 件 衫 爛 到 嚇 死 人 甘 ﹐ 同 勢 利 哥 無 乜 分 別 ~~ 哈 哈 哈 ~~
做 完 化 療 ﹐ 又 去 食 牛 粉 粉 ﹐買 碟﹐ 面 包 ﹐ 小 點 。 。 之 後 就 返 屋 企 休 息 。 。 途 中 ~娜 娜 姨 打 電 話 黎 ﹐話 想 同 一 位 朋 友 過 黎 屋 企 探 媽 媽 ﹐ 想 知 媽 媽 最 近 生 活好 唔 好 ~~ 所 以 就 返 屋 企 拿 拿 臨 清 潔 。 。
娜 娜 姨 帶 左 一 位 好 朋 友 黎 到 ﹐ 完 來 她 以 前 亦 都 係 一 位 病 人 ﹐我 無 走 過 去 同 佢 地 傾 計 ﹐ 但 係聽 到 佢 地 講 既 都 係 鼓 勵 媽 媽 既 說 話 ﹐ 同 教 會 既 UPDATED~~ 都 要 多 謝 佢 地 對 媽 媽 既 心 !! 多 謝 ! 有 心 !!
然 後 媽 媽 無 胃 口 ﹐ 所 以 晚 餐 食 少 少 就 話 飽 ~~ 然 後 就 話 休 息 了 ~~~
今 日 都 係 甘 過 ﹐ 夜 晚 媽 媽 話 少 少 胃 氣 頂 住 ﹐ 唔 舒 服 ~~~
Sunday, December 19, 2010
第 二 天 ~~

今 日 無 乜 特 別 ﹐ 因 為 有 JOB 做 ﹐ 所 以 同 媽 媽 去 左 MALL到 行 街 ﹐ 然 後 同 媽 媽 去 新 店叫 名 粥 到 食飯 ﹐ 唔 錯 。 。 都 幾 好 食 ! 媽 媽 重 食 左 兩 豌 粉 同 一 豌 飯 。 。 然 後 就 返 左 屋 企 ﹐ 佢 有 佢 忙 ﹐ 我 有 我 忙 ~~ 成 日 就 甘 過 ~~~
發 現 左 點 解 好 多 人 一 望 就 知 佢 地 係 兩 母 女 ~~ 哈 哈 哈 !! 家 姐 唔 響 到 ~~ 等 我 POST 上 網 啦 ~~ 無 夾 過 都 可 以 撞 衫 ~~ 撞 色 ~~ 哈 哈 哈 ! 眼 神 都 有 少 少 !! 哈 哈 哈 !!

Friday, December 17, 2010
阿 女 去 旅 行 ~~ 細 仔 頂 上 ~~
今 日 係 家 姐 去 旅 行 的 第 一 日 ~屋 企 還 OK~~ 洗 完 地 ﹐ 狗 狗 食 完 藥 ﹐ 我 休 息 緊 。 。 講 下 今 日 既 開 心 事 先 !!

去 完 童 軍 返 屋 企 ﹐ 阿 媽 問 我 ﹕ 點 呀 ~好 玩 麻 ~~﹖ 同 阿 媽 分 享 左 少 少 ﹐ 因 為 見 到 佢 有 點 累 ~所 以 叫 佢 休 息 !! 入 到 廁 所 ﹐ 發 現 令 外 一 個 老 人 家 正 在 大 便 ﹐ 可 能 我 嚇 左 佢 一 跳 ﹐ 佢 出 到 黎 地 板 就 黎 多 個 童 子 尿 比 我 做 禮 物 ~~ 唉 ~~~
講 返 媽 媽 先 ~ 我 諗 聽 日 阿 媽 起 身 既 時 候 ﹐ 最 好 唔 好 去 廚 房 。 。 。 。 我 尼 班 童 軍 好 錫 我﹐ 家 姐 同 媽 媽 ~ 個 個 都 知 道 我 要 照 顧 媽 媽 ﹐ 每 一 位 童 軍 都 驚 我 無 野 食 ﹐ 所 以 以 經 留 下 好 多 好 多 食 物 比 我 。 。 我 諗 過 同 媽 媽 分 享 ﹐ 但 係 太 多 油﹐ 想 媽 媽 食 得 健 康 ﹐ 我 會 留 晒 所 有 的 同 表 哥 分 享 !!! 哈 哈 哈 !!!

另 外 ﹐ 我 諗 我 一 定 有 汪 家 血 統 。 。我 上 次 影 印 留 下 學 生 證 ﹐今 日 媽 媽 驗 血 就 留 下 健 康 卡 !! 甘 大 烏 龍 既 野 係 我 兩 母 子 先 會 做 到 !!!
去 完 童 軍 ﹐ 十 個 好 開 心 甘 返 到 屋 企 。 。 第 一 ﹕ 一 晚 內﹐ 籌 到 五 箱食 物 比 FOOD BANK~ 第 二 ﹕ 有 個 十 二 歲 既 童 軍 仔 話 識 洗 地 ﹐ 話 會黎 屋 企 幫 我 手。 。 哈 哈 !! 真 的 可 愛 !!
最 後 ﹕ 有 一 位 我 好 好 好 好 既 女 朋 友﹐ 寄 左 張 好 好 既 聖 誕 禮 物 比 媽 媽 !! 所 以 想 同 大 家 分 響 下 !!

令 外 ﹐ 我 都 有 偷 影 媽 媽 同 爸 爸 MSN~~ 用 電 腦 望 住黎 傾 計 大 家 真係 好 開 心 同 好 甜 架 !! 望 下 就 知 啦 !!!!

I just came back from Scout tonight, and I am proud of myself as a leader, because I had a lot of good kids, I also taught a group of kids who came back and helped out as leaders too...
Today, mom forgot her Health card in the medical center, then I found out I came with all genes from my mom, because there had the same thing happened to me last week at school... so I am surely say YES!! I am her son.. It was a normal day for me. Mom? maybe she started worried about herself, since today is the FIRST day I have to take a good good care of her when my sister went to vacation with her love one. I already did all the things on the list that sister gave to me before she left. Such as mocking, cleaning the house, carpet, and dishes. No worries of two dogs, when mom already feed them food and I also gave them medication that they need at night. I thought today is done... finished... so I can go to sleep... In a sudden, I found out one of the dog missing, so I check everywhere and searched around.. Then I found him inside the washroom and working on his business... hehehee .... In addition, I still had to cleaned up after he done..
How's Mom? she is ok... I just brought her lemon for her drinks. As I known, every time when she still have energy to speak loud, yelling my name, and asking me for dinner with her, I am surely she is still fine... For tomorrow, I think she will be happy when she see all the foods from Scout, and the Christmas Card which is from my girlfriend...she will laugh so hard. As I and mom might wonder in our mind: How come she can draw? and Not bad~~ nice drawing~~ Thank Tina to give her a good Christmas Gift~~~
I know she love it!!
Carreau 細 仔 ~~~
去 完 童 軍 返 屋 企 ﹐ 阿 媽 問 我 ﹕ 點 呀 ~好 玩 麻 ~~﹖ 同 阿 媽 分 享 左 少 少 ﹐ 因 為 見 到 佢 有 點 累 ~所 以 叫 佢 休 息 !! 入 到 廁 所 ﹐ 發 現 令 外 一 個 老 人 家 正 在 大 便 ﹐ 可 能 我 嚇 左 佢 一 跳 ﹐ 佢 出 到 黎 地 板 就 黎 多 個 童 子 尿 比 我 做 禮 物 ~~ 唉 ~~~
講 返 媽 媽 先 ~ 我 諗 聽 日 阿 媽 起 身 既 時 候 ﹐ 最 好 唔 好 去 廚 房 。 。 。 。 我 尼 班 童 軍 好 錫 我﹐ 家 姐 同 媽 媽 ~ 個 個 都 知 道 我 要 照 顧 媽 媽 ﹐ 每 一 位 童 軍 都 驚 我 無 野 食 ﹐ 所 以 以 經 留 下 好 多 好 多 食 物 比 我 。 。 我 諗 過 同 媽 媽 分 享 ﹐ 但 係 太 多 油﹐ 想 媽 媽 食 得 健 康 ﹐ 我 會 留 晒 所 有 的 同 表 哥 分 享 !!! 哈 哈 哈 !!!
另 外 ﹐ 我 諗 我 一 定 有 汪 家 血 統 。 。我 上 次 影 印 留 下 學 生 證 ﹐今 日 媽 媽 驗 血 就 留 下 健 康 卡 !! 甘 大 烏 龍 既 野 係 我 兩 母 子 先 會 做 到 !!!
去 完 童 軍 ﹐ 十 個 好 開 心 甘 返 到 屋 企 。 。 第 一 ﹕ 一 晚 內﹐ 籌 到 五 箱食 物 比 FOOD BANK~ 第 二 ﹕ 有 個 十 二 歲 既 童 軍 仔 話 識 洗 地 ﹐ 話 會黎 屋 企 幫 我 手。 。 哈 哈 !! 真 的 可 愛 !!
最 後 ﹕ 有 一 位 我 好 好 好 好 既 女 朋 友﹐ 寄 左 張 好 好 既 聖 誕 禮 物 比 媽 媽 !! 所 以 想 同 大 家 分 響 下 !!

令 外 ﹐ 我 都 有 偷 影 媽 媽 同 爸 爸 MSN~~ 用 電 腦 望 住黎 傾 計 大 家 真係 好 開 心 同 好 甜 架 !! 望 下 就 知 啦 !!!!
I just came back from Scout tonight, and I am proud of myself as a leader, because I had a lot of good kids, I also taught a group of kids who came back and helped out as leaders too...
Today, mom forgot her Health card in the medical center, then I found out I came with all genes from my mom, because there had the same thing happened to me last week at school... so I am surely say YES!! I am her son.. It was a normal day for me. Mom? maybe she started worried about herself, since today is the FIRST day I have to take a good good care of her when my sister went to vacation with her love one. I already did all the things on the list that sister gave to me before she left. Such as mocking, cleaning the house, carpet, and dishes. No worries of two dogs, when mom already feed them food and I also gave them medication that they need at night. I thought today is done... finished... so I can go to sleep... In a sudden, I found out one of the dog missing, so I check everywhere and searched around.. Then I found him inside the washroom and working on his business... hehehee .... In addition, I still had to cleaned up after he done..
How's Mom? she is ok... I just brought her lemon for her drinks. As I known, every time when she still have energy to speak loud, yelling my name, and asking me for dinner with her, I am surely she is still fine... For tomorrow, I think she will be happy when she see all the foods from Scout, and the Christmas Card which is from my girlfriend...she will laugh so hard. As I and mom might wonder in our mind: How come she can draw? and Not bad~~ nice drawing~~ Thank Tina to give her a good Christmas Gift~~~
I know she love it!!
Carreau 細 仔 ~~~
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving us another brand new day.
Thank you for giving us the cold day like this, and let us know our skin feel the cold.
Thank you for giving us the warm place to stay in from the cold weather.
Thank you for giving us the food to eat in order to fulfil the hungry feeling.
Thank you for giving us the GUT to brave enough to face the difficult lives.
Thank you for giving us the wonderful medical plan for Mom.
Thank you for giving us a kind hairstylist to take care of mom's hair.
Thank you for giving us a STRONG mom.
Thank you for giving us the time to take care of mom.
Thank you for giving mom a BRAND NEW LOOK!
Afterall, there is not bad to see Mom with no hair. She doesn't get use to it and a bit upset about it. But I think this is time to do it rather than later.
Thank you Lord. I know how much you love us. Thank you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, ~~~ AMEN.
Thank you for giving us another brand new day.
Thank you for giving us the cold day like this, and let us know our skin feel the cold.
Thank you for giving us the warm place to stay in from the cold weather.
Thank you for giving us the food to eat in order to fulfil the hungry feeling.
Thank you for giving us the GUT to brave enough to face the difficult lives.
Thank you for giving us the wonderful medical plan for Mom.
Thank you for giving us a kind hairstylist to take care of mom's hair.
Thank you for giving us a STRONG mom.
Thank you for giving us the time to take care of mom.
Thank you for giving mom a BRAND NEW LOOK!
Afterall, there is not bad to see Mom with no hair. She doesn't get use to it and a bit upset about it. But I think this is time to do it rather than later.
Thank you Lord. I know how much you love us. Thank you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, ~~~ AMEN.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Food Vs Mom
Sorry, Not much to say ...
Weekend was ok... Mom had enough energy to go out on Sat, but very tired on Sunday (she didn't go to church plus she tried to avoid the Crowded area)
Mom complained that she lost the mood for the food. (That is really really bad from her. She loves food!!!!) However, she wants to get some peanut butter and jam. Of coz, I was trying to get organic and natural for her. she starts to alert on such things too... Good for her...
Even Mom loves korean food, she loves Congee. We only go to T&T foodcourt on Middlefield. Mom loves the congee there and actually she knows the boss. THat is why. Look at her... how happy she was...??
Today... after we went to visit Dr. Wong's office. We met up with Ka HO at Viet food place and had something to eat... =)
Yeah... Ka Ho and I always do that to mom. When Mom is very serious on taking pictures, we both always make different faces... and end up .. Mom looks at the pictures and gets mad at us... ahahaaa!!!
As long as mom wants to eat during this time... I am trying to fulfil what she loves.
Weekend was ok... Mom had enough energy to go out on Sat, but very tired on Sunday (she didn't go to church plus she tried to avoid the Crowded area)
Mom complained that she lost the mood for the food. (That is really really bad from her. She loves food!!!!) However, she wants to get some peanut butter and jam. Of coz, I was trying to get organic and natural for her. she starts to alert on such things too... Good for her...
Even Mom loves korean food, she loves Congee. We only go to T&T foodcourt on Middlefield. Mom loves the congee there and actually she knows the boss. THat is why. Look at her... how happy she was...??
Today... after we went to visit Dr. Wong's office. We met up with Ka HO at Viet food place and had something to eat... =)
Yeah... Ka Ho and I always do that to mom. When Mom is very serious on taking pictures, we both always make different faces... and end up .. Mom looks at the pictures and gets mad at us... ahahaaa!!!
As long as mom wants to eat during this time... I am trying to fulfil what she loves.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
What a Saturday!!
What a weekend. Good that Mom was in her good mood. Mom asked me if I was going out with Kenneth. Of coz I was going to, but I would go wherever she wanted first. (She couldn't go too long and too far... so I was cool with that)
Mom wanted to T&T and Walmart. Sure... Why not?? I needed to go there too!!!
We went to walmart and checked out the peanut butter, jam and whip dress... Kenneth came to us and told us NOT to buy that bcoz Shopper should be cheaper... haahahaa! Mom was impressed bcoz Kenneth saved her 10s cents.... hahaaha!
We stopped by Shopper to get jam, whip dress, but peanut butter would be lower price tomorrow, so I would go back tomorrow.
MOm was happy that she could eat out in T&T. why not... she had energy... and we were ok with the time... .why not....???? haahhaa! We got so many items but only $15 afterall. She had her veggie and fruit, Kenneth had his tofu (On sale today) and I had... I had.... my "Pineapple buns" haahahaa! Good ....
After we went home, Mom started to feel tired... so she went back to her room right the way... Kenneth and I put the food away and we left.
Kenneth needed to do some shopping before our vacation.. we went home around 6:30pm and Ka Ho already home. Good that he was being with mom right after his part time. We had dinner together (KaHo and I clean up all "LEFT OVER" when Mom and kenneth were working so hard on the NEW food tonight)
Anyway, Mom went back to her room resting (listening music and watching TV) and we were playing Ka Ho's new christmas present --> Dance and Dance 2 from WII!! Thank you, Wendy.
So tired after 10s songs. I had two left foot ... and I couldn't walk anymore.... When I went upstairs for shower, Mom's room already became very dark.... Good ...
Good, I am sure Mom had a wonderful energetic day today! As long as she is happy, we are all happy. Don't you think so?
Thank you for all your comments on here. Mom didn't know what i wrote, she just cared what you wrote on here. So, don't Stop...Keep leaving her the note. She reads it whenever it is there. =)
Thank you for reading. I am tired... going to bed now...
Mom wanted to T&T and Walmart. Sure... Why not?? I needed to go there too!!!
We went to walmart and checked out the peanut butter, jam and whip dress... Kenneth came to us and told us NOT to buy that bcoz Shopper should be cheaper... haahahaa! Mom was impressed bcoz Kenneth saved her 10s cents.... hahaaha!
We stopped by Shopper to get jam, whip dress, but peanut butter would be lower price tomorrow, so I would go back tomorrow.
MOm was happy that she could eat out in T&T. why not... she had energy... and we were ok with the time... .why not....???? haahhaa! We got so many items but only $15 afterall. She had her veggie and fruit, Kenneth had his tofu (On sale today) and I had... I had.... my "Pineapple buns" haahahaa! Good ....
After we went home, Mom started to feel tired... so she went back to her room right the way... Kenneth and I put the food away and we left.
Kenneth needed to do some shopping before our vacation.. we went home around 6:30pm and Ka Ho already home. Good that he was being with mom right after his part time. We had dinner together (KaHo and I clean up all "LEFT OVER" when Mom and kenneth were working so hard on the NEW food tonight)
Anyway, Mom went back to her room resting (listening music and watching TV) and we were playing Ka Ho's new christmas present --> Dance and Dance 2 from WII!! Thank you, Wendy.
So tired after 10s songs. I had two left foot ... and I couldn't walk anymore.... When I went upstairs for shower, Mom's room already became very dark.... Good ...
Good, I am sure Mom had a wonderful energetic day today! As long as she is happy, we are all happy. Don't you think so?
Thank you for all your comments on here. Mom didn't know what i wrote, she just cared what you wrote on here. So, don't Stop...Keep leaving her the note. She reads it whenever it is there. =)
Thank you for reading. I am tired... going to bed now...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Dec 10, 2010 (Friday)
Sorry, didn't have a chance to write in the past day[s]. I was busy with my own stuffs and my freelance. Still have a lot of things to do.... *sigh* ....
我係一個好火既人。。。向呢個時候如果邊個令我Mommy 唔開心﹐又或者令佢亂諗野時。。。我都嘗試好Polite 甘發火。。。 如果你覺我發火一D都唔Polite﹐甘證明你對我Mommy真係好唔客氣。。
有時候我好唔鐘意有D人同我Mommy 傾計時本bea, just bcoz 我Mommy 有佢自己既意見。。。唔同意就hea 我Mommy... This is just a thought! 每個人都有佢既意見。
我係一個好火既人。。。向呢個時候如果邊個令我Mommy 唔開心﹐又或者令佢亂諗野時。。。我都嘗試好Polite 甘發火。。。 如果你覺我發火一D都唔Polite﹐甘證明你對我Mommy真係好唔客氣。。
有時候我好唔鐘意有D人同我Mommy 傾計時本bea, just bcoz 我Mommy 有佢自己既意見。。。唔同意就hea 我Mommy... This is just a thought! 每個人都有佢既意見。
Anyway, some of you may want to see the pictures of my mom. Mom still have mood to eat...especially when Ka Ho was around her. As You know ... I am only a 管家﹐I don't know how to please my mom like what Ka Ho does sometimes...
But ... no matter what we did.... we can't beat the following guy....
He won't say a word, but just start picking up the cloths and VIM and start cleaning the WALLs...
See how hard he used the cloths...
Anyway, my house is cleaner and whiter...
Mom is happier (Thank you, Kenneth). Then, Mom at the same time, she finds her way entertaining herself.... Look at our new pet....
*the brown stuff is my wool scarf..... hahahaah!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
媽媽由朝到晚都膽心﹔擔心細路s讀書﹐擔心細路s面對既人生困難﹔擔心Daddy向香港既生活﹐擔心Daddy 面對既負擔﹔擔心我會唔會嫁得好﹐擔心我要當起呢頭家同時由要照顧將來自己頭家。。。
以上既禱告係奉主耶穌的名而求 ~阿門。
我寫呢篇文時好無奈﹐看見媽媽既背影行入房﹐我個心好酸。我既位係無得control﹐ 我只好叫佢唔好亂諗野 (因為我怕我亂諗野先)。
點解要甘擔心﹖細路s讀唔到書唔關你事﹐細路s將來都要學習面對人生既問題﹔點解要擔心Daddy﹖ Daddy 有佢既原因留向香港﹐有D野係迫唔到。點解要擔心我嫁得好唔好﹖我見到好多Work 唔到既婚姻問題﹐我會alert 同sensitive D﹐ 唔使擔心。。。
我站在你面前向你禱告。我心中好多唔開心既野﹐希望你攞開。我咁既心情唔可以cheer up Mommy﹐ 我需要你既幫助。我成日問你點解要放我向呢個家庭﹖一直到宜家我知道你想我去陪Mommy 過呢個時候。你教我要孝順父母﹐我真係日日夜夜去試﹔我就算發現幾多我唔想知既野﹐我都會去做我要做既野。天父﹐有時候覺得你呢個訓練真係好難好辛苦。我好想放棄﹐我好想不聞不問去做我自己﹐但係你永遠在我呼求時你更加攬得我好實﹐話我知你從來無放開我家上下﹐以我更加被你愛護。宜家我再次希望你俾我感受你幫我既feeling﹐我要企得住﹔就算無人同Mommy 一齊行呢條路﹐我都要好Positive 同Mommy 大步行﹐Mommy 愈覺無人在旁,希望你握住Mommy 隻手同我同佢行。天父﹐多謝你放Kenneth 在我們當中﹐當我唔好意思佢要勞心勞力幫Mommy 時﹐佢話可以照顧到Mommy 係佢既福。。。神呀﹐多謝你賜予我一個一個既天使幫手﹐多謝你。
Monday, December 6, 2010
Snowing Snowing Snowing....
It must be very hard for a lot of people on the road, slippy, snowy... and stuffs... but for mom. She has the "Safe feeling" at home. That is good.
Even she is not feeling very energetic, I still make sure she eats. Plus she make sure she eats too... Good to have Mickey and Cookie around Mom. They somehow give her a bit of FUN / Entertain.
For those of you who would like to drop a line for mom in order to support her. Please go to "Comment" and click, write down your words. You have to choose Comment as "PRofile" ... if you know what you should pick, pick the one you want to; If you don't know what to pick, please just pick the last one. then click "Preview". You will put the "words" in the box and click "Post a comment".
Isn't that simple? hahaaha! Ok .... Need to check on Mom now... .
Even she is not feeling very energetic, I still make sure she eats. Plus she make sure she eats too... Good to have Mickey and Cookie around Mom. They somehow give her a bit of FUN / Entertain.
For those of you who would like to drop a line for mom in order to support her. Please go to "Comment" and click, write down your words. You have to choose Comment as "PRofile" ... if you know what you should pick, pick the one you want to; If you don't know what to pick, please just pick the last one. then click "Preview". You will put the "words" in the box and click "Post a comment".
Isn't that simple? hahaaha! Ok .... Need to check on Mom now... .
Sunday, December 5, 2010
She is very sensitive
Dear all,
I am very glad some of you talked to my Mom over the phone. When she is well, she talks once in a while. When she is not well, I turn off the phone ring and she can rest.
When you have some people's stories/ experiences that you want to tell her, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know before you tell her. Whatever you tell her and she will apply into her own case. She is very unstable mindset now. PLEASE, if you have any stories regarding how people reacted on the Chemo, or stuffs, Please NOT to tell her how other people react. She will feel how that people reacting to Chemo as well. It is so NOT GOOD now...
As she found out some people reacted with CHEMO sick after 7-10days, then she counted her schedule and reacted the same things (I am not sure if she reminds herself in her mind or she thinks she should have that)
If you get a chance to talk to her, Please tell her the BRIGHT side, POSITIVE things... PLEASE...
this will make my life easier.
Thank you very much.
It is ok to tell her how the regular side effects. For example, You can tell her how fish is a good food resource for her, how fresh fist it should be, and how the nutritutions for her. But please not to tell her that you will probably "CHOKE the fish bones". For her mindset now, she realy thinks she is going to choke....
I am very glad some of you talked to my Mom over the phone. When she is well, she talks once in a while. When she is not well, I turn off the phone ring and she can rest.
When you have some people's stories/ experiences that you want to tell her, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know before you tell her. Whatever you tell her and she will apply into her own case. She is very unstable mindset now. PLEASE, if you have any stories regarding how people reacted on the Chemo, or stuffs, Please NOT to tell her how other people react. She will feel how that people reacting to Chemo as well. It is so NOT GOOD now...
As she found out some people reacted with CHEMO sick after 7-10days, then she counted her schedule and reacted the same things (I am not sure if she reminds herself in her mind or she thinks she should have that)
If you get a chance to talk to her, Please tell her the BRIGHT side, POSITIVE things... PLEASE...
this will make my life easier.
Thank you very much.
It is ok to tell her how the regular side effects. For example, You can tell her how fish is a good food resource for her, how fresh fist it should be, and how the nutritutions for her. But please not to tell her that you will probably "CHOKE the fish bones". For her mindset now, she realy thinks she is going to choke....
Friday, December 3, 2010
Good lunch @ Jim Chai Kee
For me, I didn't have a good sleep, bcoz I couldn't go to sleep until 6am this morning. Woke up around 9am since Mom got up and walked around.
I got up and asked how she felt. She was feeling very terrible yesterday and she was very very OK this morning. She asked if she could go to get some BEEF for the meals. Of coz she could. As long as she can eat. I wouldn't mind to be driver and her chef (of coz, she has no choice when Kenneth is not available. Sorry, Kenneth, at this moment I have to count you as one of the reliable chef for my mom. =))
Anyway, I asked her where she wanted to go for Lunch, she asked me if she could go to Jim Chai Kee for lunch. Sure! Why not? (I guess she was wondering if Kenneth would eat with us or not, too bad, Kenneth already had lunch box and enjoying it when we were heading to Jim Chai Kee).
We arrived at Jim Chai, and Mom already knew what she wanted. Beef slices with rice noodle. Well, somehow there were so much MSG everywhere, but Jim Chai Kee has lesser MSG (at least to us). We chit chat... and mom gave me the following look...
Nice picture, but my phone sucks! the lens was not GOOD! a bit Foggy. heheee!
Anyway, we went to Church office and actually mom had a good short talk with Rev. Terence. (Thank you for praying with my mom, Rev. Terence) Of coz, Thank other staffs in the church office. I am sure you all pray for my Mom. THank you. (Well well well, I know all of you pray for my mom as well... just at that moment, I felt so support physically in the office)...
All of a sudden, Mom felt not very good, so we hurried back home but still stopped at Foody and got mom's beef and went home immediately.
She went to bed right the way, and I felt so sick and felt to sleep with Mickey and Cookie. She started to got up around 5pm. She wanted to cook for herself (she knew Kenneth will come for dinner, wanna make something for him) and end up ... I had Lewis, Wenkie and Cache as surprised guests for my mom. They always brought smile and sunshine to my Mom. Thank you.
What a day! I am so tired now... had very very bad headache, better go to sleep now... or I don't think I will function well tomorrow. Another long day, man.
PS: For your information, Ka Ho had his presentation this morning. Due to his nervous and worries, he was actually with me walking around in the house 6am in the morning. He went dead right after dinner (after scouting). Good, he won't go out at night tonight. MOm and I will have a good sleep. They both already sleep deeply. It is my time to rest. Good night, everyone.
I got up and asked how she felt. She was feeling very terrible yesterday and she was very very OK this morning. She asked if she could go to get some BEEF for the meals. Of coz she could. As long as she can eat. I wouldn't mind to be driver and her chef (of coz, she has no choice when Kenneth is not available. Sorry, Kenneth, at this moment I have to count you as one of the reliable chef for my mom. =))
Anyway, I asked her where she wanted to go for Lunch, she asked me if she could go to Jim Chai Kee for lunch. Sure! Why not? (I guess she was wondering if Kenneth would eat with us or not, too bad, Kenneth already had lunch box and enjoying it when we were heading to Jim Chai Kee).
We arrived at Jim Chai, and Mom already knew what she wanted. Beef slices with rice noodle. Well, somehow there were so much MSG everywhere, but Jim Chai Kee has lesser MSG (at least to us). We chit chat... and mom gave me the following look...
So Obvious, she got better today. She finished the WHOLE thing by herself plus couple bites of the Yau Choi. She only wore her hand-made sweater. She said she was not cold at all. Good Good Good Sign... Ok, it was time to take a good picture.
Nice picture, but my phone sucks! the lens was not GOOD! a bit Foggy. heheee!
Anyway, we went to Church office and actually mom had a good short talk with Rev. Terence. (Thank you for praying with my mom, Rev. Terence) Of coz, Thank other staffs in the church office. I am sure you all pray for my Mom. THank you. (Well well well, I know all of you pray for my mom as well... just at that moment, I felt so support physically in the office)...
All of a sudden, Mom felt not very good, so we hurried back home but still stopped at Foody and got mom's beef and went home immediately.
She went to bed right the way, and I felt so sick and felt to sleep with Mickey and Cookie. She started to got up around 5pm. She wanted to cook for herself (she knew Kenneth will come for dinner, wanna make something for him) and end up ... I had Lewis, Wenkie and Cache as surprised guests for my mom. They always brought smile and sunshine to my Mom. Thank you.
What a day! I am so tired now... had very very bad headache, better go to sleep now... or I don't think I will function well tomorrow. Another long day, man.
PS: For your information, Ka Ho had his presentation this morning. Due to his nervous and worries, he was actually with me walking around in the house 6am in the morning. He went dead right after dinner (after scouting). Good, he won't go out at night tonight. MOm and I will have a good sleep. They both already sleep deeply. It is my time to rest. Good night, everyone.
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